Workplace Solutions For Wet Areas
Slip and fall prevention is usually the main concern in wet and oily working environments. Slip and falls account for approximately 20 -30% of the accidents which cause long-tern interruption of work and loss of productivity.
The 4 main causes of slips and fall accidents are:
- Slippery/wet surfaces
- Slippery surfaces caused by dry floor contaminants such as sawdust
- Obstructions, both temporary and permanent
- Uneven surfaces and changes of level
Date from NIOSH (National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health) on reported workplace accidents also cited overexertion and repetitive work as contributing factor to long-term absenteeism. Combined, these two factors are the largest cause of non-fatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work*.
We offer a wide variety of high-performance anti-fatigue and anti-slip floor matting products with very specific functionality designed to address slippery work environments and the varying causes of slip and fall accidents.
To see our Anti-Slip and Anti-Fatigue Products CLICK HERE.
Increased Traction
Floors can become dangerously slippery when they are wet, exposed to water, oil, grease, industrial chemicals, and even soap or cleaning solutions. Floor matting elevates the worker out of the liquid providing a dryer work and walking surface. In extreme cases, aggressive surface textures or materials such as the Silicon Carbide grit surface found on all NoTrax® Cushion-Ease® GSII™ products offers added traction in even the harshest slippery environments.
Remove Debris & Liquids
Floors can also become slippery when there is an accumulation of liquids, dusty floor contamination such as sawdust, and other debris on the work area floor. Floor matting used in these areas typically has a large-hole drainage system that drains or removes the liquid or debris from the work area keep the surface clean and clear.
Standing on hard surfaces for extended periods can lead to several problems such as pain, discomfort, and fatigue, all of which have a direct negative impact on a worker's balance. The use of anti-fatigue floor mats provides a cushioning effect that improves circulation and alleviates the symptoms that can lead to fatigue. This enables proper balance for the worker lessening the possibility of a slip or fall due to muscle fatigue.
*Source: NIOSH
& Superior Manufacturing Group, Inc. NoTrax Catalog 47, page 20